amble & northumberland We are proud to be Gold Award Northumberland Tourism Ambassadors!
14 February 2021 Last week we received an email from Pierre d’Avoine who is architect living  and working in London. In May 1970 when he was a first year student at Birmingham School of  Architecture the whole of the first year including forty two students and  tutors visited Amble to make a study of the town. They lived in Amble for a  week, visiting Coquet Island, Ashington Colliery and the surrounding  countryside. The people of Amble welcomed them and they and had a brilliant time in  our town - even playing a football match with the local team. Pierre was organising his archive and found a small portfolio of  photographs of Amble and very kindly sent us some scans of his work.  They are black and white images which he developed and printed in the  School of Architecture darkroom and very atmospheric partly because it  was quite foggy during their visit. These photographs are from over 50 years ago and are a unique historical  record of our town - we hope you enjoy seeing them and please let us  know if you recognise anyone in the photos! Many thanks to Pierre for sending the images to us and kindly allowing us  to put them on our website. PLEASE NOTE: All photographs © Pierre d’Avoine
Roger and Neil (Mill Walk, Warkworth
Amble Pier
Pierre, Christine, Roger and local boy (does anyone recogise him?)
Neil, Christine, Roger and local boy
Amble View (rear of Broomhill Street)
Amble Pier
Amble Pier
Amble Harbour
Amble Pier and Harbour
Amble Quayside
Amble Pier
Amble Boats
Boy on a boat
Football Match
Amble Countryside
…. AND NOW On 22 April 2021 we were contacted by Bob Stephenson, a keen photographer based in London who visited Amble in July 2020. To see Bob’s photographs click this link